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Valtra opens its doors to 800 students from all over Finland

Valtra is a high-tech company with a wide range of career opportunities for graduates and young professionals. – These are the sentiments echoed by many of the 800 students and teachers who visited our brand home factory in Suolahti for the Valtra Experience for Students Day.

Recently, we invited guests from schools, colleges, universities of applied science, and technical universities from across Finland to come and experience what we do at Valtra. Our guests were given the opportunity to speak with representatives from each of our departments and see our transmission and assembly lines, as well as enjoy privileged access to our product development lab. And the hotdogs and lemonade available at the Valtra Unlimited Studio certainly proved popular with students who enjoyed spending time there and learning about Unlimited customisation.    

Many different career opportunities at Valtra 

Students and teachers were impressed by the range of careers and specialisms represented during the day. Our Atrium was transformed into a vibrant hub with representatives from across Valtra’s different departments and other closely allied AGCO brands including RemanAGCO Suomi, AGCO Power, and Smart AG. Various areas of engineering were well represented including Mechanical Engineering, Simulation and Validation, Electrical Functions Group, Research and Advanced Engineering, Engineering Services and Customer Experience, and our Laboratory. However, many other departments were also well represented and attracted the attention of students including Customer Service, Technical Training, Purchasing, Safety, Finance,  IT,  Manufacturing, Quality, Supply Chain Management, and Valtra Unlimited. All were keen to share their knowledge and experience and had stands where visitors could speak to our staff and have a chance to actually handle some of the technology and tools we use on a daily basis. For example, many students were particularly interested in the Product Development stand where they could speak with engineers and see a professional draw something and show its development on screen.  

Students asked many in-depth questions about different departments. Veera Laasanen who works as a Trainee in Valtra’s Product Marketing team noted that “The students were really interested in what we actually do on the marketing side, how the work in the communication team and in the product marketing team differs and what kind of different roles we have in our teams. Students were also directly interested in our machines and the technology behind them, and of course young people were interested in social media. They had a lot of good questions, and we had a very nice day with them.” 

Valtra’s technology is a major interest to many students 

Two of the main attractions that received a lot of attention were the half-cab simulator and the virtual reality training module. Students were surprised and impressed with the level of sophistication in the technology Valtra uses and appreciated how clearly the staff explained the role technology plays in Valtra’s daily work. Two 6th form college students discussed how the experience had changed their perception of careers that they could consider as young women. They both agreed that the experience had opened up their thoughts on studying technology-based subjects in the future.       

Enthusiastic staff and a warm friendly atmosphere 

One of the key takeaways from the day was the many comments students and teachers gave praising Valtra staff for their enthusiasm for their subject, pride in what they do, and open and friendly communication. Many international students appreciated how easily everyone at Valtra switched to English. One international student from Jyväskylä University of Applied Science commented that they thought it was amazing how staff heard their group of students speaking English and automatically switched to English to invite them to take a closer look at their stand. Another commented that they were grateful when a material handler in the Logistics Centre took the time to show them their work and explain what they do in English.  

It’s clear that many staff at Valtra enjoyed the opportunity to demonstrate what they do. Department Lead of Engineering, Drivetrain, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics, Ville Viitasalo, commented “In addition to all those good contacts we get here, this opportunity also makes us feel more proud of the company. When describing our activities to a third person, you really start to see your own strengths. That is highly motivating”. 

A whole day of Valtra experiences 

Teaching and operational staff of the various institutions who visited Valtra praised the smooth organisation of the event and all arrangements. They complimented Valtra on the invitations, advanced information, logistics, catering, and variety of stands and things to see and do. The great success of the event can be directly attributed to the hard work, investment, and enthusiasm of all Valtra staff involved. No doubt the event sparked interest among students in applying for a summer internship or first job at Valtra and will lead them to check out our careers pages.    

Careers at Valtra

Our unlimited potential

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