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Valtra Connect communicates between the tractor, owner and service

Valtra Connect is a new feature that enables remote monitoring of 56 tractor functions, including fuel and AdBlue levels, hours to go before the next service, working hours, and fuel consumption. The user can also view a map of where the tractor has been driven. In addition, Valtra service technicians can use the system to view 98 other pieces of information. For example, if the tractor transmits a fault code, the service technician is notified automatically at the same time. Using a fault detection tool, the service technician can review the tractor’s performance data leading up to the fault and in many cases repair the fault or cancel the fault code, also remotely.

“You can log in and use the system on the internet, and there is also an easy-to-use app available. Valtra Connect already offers a lot of functions, and we are developing more all the time,” says Marketing Manager Olli Honkamäki.

Valtra Connect is standard equipment on all 2018 N and T Series Versu and Direct tractors, and it can be retrofitted to older N and T Series models starting with the 3 Series.

“New tractor owners simply go to the website and log in to the system with the details of their tractor. If the customer authorises Valtra to monitor the tractor’s data, confirmation is sent to the customer. The system is very simple to begin using,” Honkamäki confirms.

Valtra Connect

  • Available immediately with 2018 SmartTouch tractors
  • Can be retrofitted to older N and T Series models starting with the 3 Series
  • Allows owners to monitor essential information about their tractor remotely
  • Allows service technicians to monitor essential service information remotely
  • An annual fee is charged for the service
  • Available initially within the Nordic region before being rolled out elsewhere in Europe later in 2018